Results for "accounting"

Using Metrics to Boost Your Fundraising

Using Metrics to Boost Your Fundraising

Are you looking at a map or the rearview mirror? As a fellow fundraiser, let me begin by giving you my congratulations on completing an unprecedented fundraising year. I hope you can spend some time in the next few weeks to take a break and carry out some...

Budgeting for Nonprofit Organizations

Budgeting for Nonprofit Organizations

Are you currently working on creating a budget for your nonprofit organization?​ Effective budgeting for non profit organizations is essential to achieving goals. Creating budgets for your nonprofit programs in addition to an overall budget for your organization can...

The Ultimate Budget Guide

The Ultimate Budget Guide

Ultimate Budget GuideHere's What You'll Learn from the Ultimate Budget Guide Ask any nonprofit about their biggest challenges and you’ll hear this over and over: no money, no time, no staff. In other words, not enough resources. If you’re starting a nonprofit, you’ll...

5 Ways to Build Meaningful Board Engagement

5 Ways to Build Meaningful Board Engagement

Nonprofit work may be the one arena where you're expected to inspire your bosses as well as provide them with ways to serve and hold them accountable. It's a tricky business. If your board is operating on autopilot or hardly operating at all, try these methods for...

ED’s Guide to Board and Management Reports

ED’s Guide to Board and Management Reports

The ED's Guide to Board and Management Reports Using QuickBooks for NonprofitsBoard and Management Reports Don't Need to be Stressful! This guide shows Nonprofit Hub Readers the board and management reports they need, using QuickBooks, to get meaningful numbers that...

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